
Author Archives: elrodortho

A common question we hear at Blackburn & Elrod Orthodontics is “What causes crooked teeth?”



DYK our teeth are more crooked than ever before? Crazy to think about, huh? Studies have shown that centuries ago people’s teeth were far less crooked than they are today. Which may have been caused by harder foods that wore teeth down and gave them more space.

Family Tree

Whatever the case may be, there are a number of explanations as to what causes crooked teeth. The first is based on your genes. Just like your hair color or the size of your ears, genes can play a huge role into why you have crooked teeth. Another major factor is the size of your jaw or how well it has developed. A jaw that is small, but carries large teeth, can create severe overcrowding.


However your teeth became what they are today be the good news is that there are several orthodontic solutions to meet the need of each individual crooked case. At Blackburn & Elrod Orthodontics our team of skilled professionals is dedicated to providing each of our patients with the compassionate and individualized care they deserve.

Dr. Blackburn and Dr. Elrod are trained in the latest orthodontic technology.  Both doctors use the Damon Comfort Braces System and both are Premier Invisalign Providers.  They strive to achieve your beautiful smile in the shortest amount of time and discomfort. If you’re ready to learn more, give us a call at 816-373-6006, or us on Facebook!

We’ve all experienced the time in the middle of a conversation when the thought crossed, “does my breath smell?” The moment of dread where you scramble for the closest mint or piece of gum to no avail. Luckily these breath busting moments can be avoided when we realize what foods trigger halitosis.


Bad breath doesn’t have to keep you from enjoying good friends and good conversation.

There are many things that can cause bad breath. But some of the biggest culprits are the ones you may be surrounded by every day. Halitosis can be caused by several different factors, but one of the main sources has to do with saliva and bacteria production in your mouth. The next time you are headed out the door be sure to remember to avoid these foods.

Say No to a Cup of Jo

Wanna catch up with an old friend over coffee? Maybe you should try to find a tea room instead. Coffee is one of the worst breath busters out there. When you drink coffee it actually lessens the amount of saliva in your mouth. This drying effect then causes bad breath. Without saliva, bacteria is able to grow at a rapid rate, causing a quick and possibly long lasting case of halitosis.

Skip the Salsa Dip

Thinking about how to make an impression on your first big date? You might want to stay away from your favorite Mexican restaurant. The garlic and onion that is used in most salsas alone will leave its legacy on your breath that even mouth wash, breath mints and gum won’t be able to battle. In fact, garlic, because of its sulfuric content, not only stays on your tongue, it actually hits your bloodstream as well. When this occurs you will also get a second odor that comes from your lungs. Ewe… right? Then, when garlic is completely into your system it even creates a smell that comes straight out of your pours. What makes it worse, onions can have these same effects because they also have sulfuric compounds.

Candy Won’t Come in Handy

Hitting up a movie with some friends? Be sure to pass on the candy. The sugar content in candy can cause the bacteria in your mouth to go crazy and overproduce. This overproduction of bacteria produces bad breath. And while a breath mint may seem like a reasonable choice to cover up bad smelling breath, it too contains high amounts of sugar which will bring back that nasty breath as soon as the mint is eaten. And as orthodontists we always encourage people to stay away from candy, especially our patients, as sticky and chewy foods can cause damage to wires and brackets.

Staying away from these foods, finding fresh breath alternatives, and keeping up with your oral health by bushing after every meal will go a long way in maintaining the best breath possible.

Dr. Elrod and Dr. Blackburn are trained in the latest orthodontic technology.  Both doctors use the Damon Comfort Braces System and both are Premier Invisalign Providers.  They strive to achieve your beautiful smile in the shortest amount of time and discomfort. If you’re ready to learn more, give us a call at 816-373-6006, or visit Elrod Orthodontics on Facebook!


Spring is just around the corner, time for warmer weather, outdoor activities and smiles all around. But for some people its a little bit harder to transition out of the cold short days of winter into all that spring has to offer. Sometimes we need a little mood booster to help us see all the beauty that is around us every day.

blog girl

Smile…Its Easy

Can you guess the number one way to boost your mood? Smile! That’s right! Research has shown that by smiling you can instantly change a bad mood into a good one. It may seem silly to force yourself to smile, but try to find some humor in it. Look for things that make you naturally smile and then actually do it. The more you train yourself to smile, the easier and more natural it becomes.


A great way to find something that makes you smile is to go outside and get some fresh air. Sometimes a simple change of scenery can help boost your mood. With school, work or just home  life, many of us spend a majority of our day indoors. Being outside is proven to increase energy which can help boost a damper mood. Stress and anxiety can also be decreased by smelling flowers. In fact, according to an article in Huffington Post, smelling freshly cut grass can actually help you feel calmer and happier.


If smelling fresh cut grass still sounds a little too drab for you, try doing something you’ve never done before. Kansas City has so much to offer the adventure seeker. Take for instance Breakout KC – a real live escape room! This fun new form of entertainment is a hit all across the country.

Doing something completely out of your normal routine can kick start a more energized and positive attitude toward others and life in general.

The bottom line is, you have to do what is easiest for you to boost your mood. Being in the smile business, we personally recommend you start with that. Just a plain, simple smile. After you’ve conquered that step, be a little daring, smell the roses or gather friends and adventure! All it takes is one little smile and a day that seemed dreary could be turned into one crazy adventure.

Dr. Elrod and Dr. Blackburn are trained in the latest orthodontic technology.  Both doctors use the Damon Comfort Braces System and both are Premier Invisalign Providers.  They strive to achieve your beautiful smile in the shortest amount of time and discomfort. If you’re ready to learn more, give us a call at 816-373-6006, or visit Elrod Orthodontics on Facebook!




Its that time of year again and you’re in luck or should we say in love. Either way you’ve got a big date for Valentine’s Day. But being new to wearing braces, you are wondering how to keep your teeth white and your breath fresh for your big date. Lucky for you, we’ve got some answers!


First lets start with some simple tools: brushing, flossing, and mouthwash. We all know that braces have a sneaky way of keeping food hidden between brackets and wires. But as long as you are prepared, handling a little stuck food, should be easy to manage. At Elrod Orthodontics we recommend always carrying an interdental toothbrush with you. This between the teeth toothbrush helps clean under and around your wires. We also recommend brushing after all main meals. And one of the best ways to make sure your breath is extra fresh is rinsing with water or a mouth wash to remove debris and clean your entire mouth. Cleaning your mouth is the best way to reduce bad breath.

One of the easiest things you can do to reduce the chances of bad breath is to drink lots of water during the day. Water will help your mouth stay moist which helps wash away bacteria.

Teeth Stainer and Breath Buster

To keep bad breath at bay try to stay away from highly caffeinated drinks like coffee. Coffee does the exact opposite of water, it actually makes your mouth dry (increasing bacteria) by slowing saliva production.  So, if you are wanting to impress a date for the night, grabbing a cup of joe to keep you awake may not be the best idea. Not only can coffee give you major halotosis, but it can also stain your teeth. If you can’t survive with out your coffee, try ordering it iced and drinking it through a straw.

Straws to the Rescue

Did you know that using a straw pushes stain-causing dyes past your teeth. If you are drinking a Coke, sports beverage, smoothies or tomato juice you should always ask for a straw. These are some of the highest staining liquids and if used repeatedly can have long term effects on the color of your teeth.

Bleaching No-No’s

We would recommend waiting to do any kind of in-office or at home bleaching until your braces have come off. Some whitening chemicals may cause the exposed part of your teeth to be much whiter than the area the brackets were covering.

For white teeth the best thing you can do is brush with a non-whitening toothpaste.  This will help remove the surface stains on your teeth with its polishing agents.

After implementing all these tips above you should be set for your big night. Your smile will be glowing and hopefully so will you! Now what about that first kiss with braces? Well, we’ll save that post for another day. For now just enjoy your new fresh smile.

Dr. Elrod and Dr. Blackburn are trained in the latest orthodontic technology.  Both doctors use the Damon Comfort Braces System and both are Premier Invisalign Providers.  They strive to achieve your beautiful smile in the shortest amount of time and discomfort. If you’re ready to learn more, give us a call at 816-373-6006, or visit Elrod Orthodontics on Facebook!



A new year, a new you. The canvas is wide open. The opportunities are endless. But why not make a resolution that could actually change your life forever?


Tired of hiding your smile? This is the perfect time of year to make a change.

The resolutions are flooding out of your pen onto a fresh sheet of paper in your journal. But which resolutions are really going to stick this year? What decisions are you going to make to be a better version of yourself in 2016? Sure there are the gym memberships, really honing your organizational skills, and of course if you haven’t fallen yet… falling in love.

Unfortunately all of these made it on the top ten list of most commonly broken resolutions. So why not pick something that is not only more tangible, but could really, honestly change your life?

Orthodontic Braces

If you have ever struggled with the way your teeth look, we have the perfect resolution for you. As leading orthodontists in Kansas City we see these life changing events every day through the decision to wear braces. And we guarantee, that we have never seen anyone regret their resolution to have a better smile.

Did you know that there are around four million people in this country that currently wear braces? And for you adults who might think that braces are only for children, did you know that 25 percent of those currently wearing braces are adults?

Confidence Booster

It is a fact that orthodontic braces not only help a persons teeth, but they also help boost a persons self-esteem as well. Imagine walking into a room of strangers and having the confidence to talk to others without wondering if they have noticed your overbite. Or taking a picture with a group of friends and not having to try to perfect the “duck face” to avoid showing your crooked teeth.

With a boost of self confidence, your path to success socially and professionally may help get you where you ultimately want to see yourself.

Along with helping cosmetically, braces can also help you chew better, speak better and they are easier to clean which helps avoid cavities.

Save More- Spend Less

Another major New Year’s resolution is to learn how to save better. At first when you are looking into the cost of braces you may wonder how you will be able to afford making this resolution come to fruition.

The great news is that there are plenty of options to help your budget. Did you know that many insurance companies have a lifetime orthodontic benefit that is distinct from your regular dental insurance?

At Elrod Othodontics we also accept Care Credit. Care Credit is the leading financing program that is designed exclusively for health care services like orthodontics.

At Elrod Orthodontics we want to help you make your resolutions come true this year and all the rest of your years!

Dr. Elrod and Dr. Blackburn are trained in the latest orthodontic technology.  Both doctors use the Damon Comfort Braces System and both are Premier Invisalign Providers.  They strive to achieve your beautiful smile in the shortest amount of time and discomfort. If you’re ready to learn more, give us a call at 816-373-6006, or visit Elrod Orthodontics on Facebook!





Let’s face it, sometimes getting your braces adjusted can make your teeth a little sore. Going home after your orthodontist appointment and looking through the pantry can also be a little disappointing, especially if there are no soft foods available. So before your next adjustment use this braces-friendly hummus recipe to treat yourself. This super soft snack is not only delicious, it’s at the top of the  health food craze.

Healthy and tasty too, hummus is an ideal snack!

Pack a lunch with some hummus and pita bread and you may just start a little trend at your office, work or school! This middle eastern dish is sure to get your taste buds going and will be super easy to chew, helping with any post-adjustment discomfort.

Real Hummus


  • 1 clove garlic
  • 1 (19 ounce) can garbanzo beans, half the liquid reserved
  • 4 tablespoons lemon juice
  • 2 tablespoons tahini
  • 1 clove garlic, chopped
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • black pepper to taste
  • 2 tablespoons olive oil


In a blender, chop the garlic. Pour garbanzo beans into blender, reserving about a tablespoon for garnish. Place lemon juice, tahini, chopped garlic and salt in blender. Blend until creamy and well mixed. Transfer the mixture to a medium serving bowl. Sprinkle with pepper and pour olive oil over the top. Garnish with reserved garbanzo beans.

Recipe originally taken from

Dr. Elrod and Dr. Blackburn are trained in the latest orthodontic technology.  Both doctors use the Damon Comfort Braces System and both are Premier Invisalign Providers.  They strive to achieve your beautiful smile in the shortest amount of time and discomfort. If you’re ready to learn more, give us a call at 816-373-6006, or visit Elrod Orthodontics on Facebook!

DIY projects are all the trend these days. Why pay money on something already made at a store, when you can just make it yourself at home? But when it comes to orthodontic braces, you could be in a world of pain and create long-term damage if you try to DIY.

DIY Braces

Rubber bands are the main tool used in DIY braces

The History

DIY orthodontics is a fairly new trend. It is understandable for a teen to feel down or even experience depression or loneliness because they are embarrassed or even made fun of for their smile. Crooked teeth, overbites and jaw misalignment can keep a teenager from gaining and maintaining the self-confidence they need to thrive in middle school and high school. That is why some teenagers have taken it upon themselves to try to fix their teeth without seeking a professional.

The Wrong Care

Wrapping rubber bands around teeth that have gaps or spaces is the main DIY function. But this process can be very hazardous. Gum infections, a tear in the gum that might not heal correctly or even tooth loss itself are just a few of the things that could go wrong.

There are even some companies now that are selling braces and sending them in the mail. We can’t stress enough to steer clear of this idea all together. Taking your orthodontics care needs into your own hands could cause even more damage in the long run.

Professional Care

Being specialized in orthodontics doesn’t happen over night. Orthodontist go through at least 10 years of schooling. After a four-year bachelor’s degree they have another four years in dental school and then another two years in a orthodontic specialty program. All of that training enables them to make expert decisions during orthodontic treatment. At Elrod orthodontics we also believe in continued education for our doctors and staff through varying conferences and workshops. Staying up to date on orthodontic care and treatment is a top priority.

Choosing a professional for your orthodontic needs is always the best decision. The damage caused by improper orthodontic treatment will most likely cause you more money in the end then getting braces done the correct way.

Braces on a Budget

Many people don’t know that there are several options and payment plans for orthodontic treatment. At our office we offer a service called Care Credit. Care Credit is a healthcare credit card that covers the cost of orthodontic treatment while allowing you to make convenient monthly payments.

At Elrod Orthodontics we want to give you the opportunity to have the best smile possible. We want to help you through those awkward teen years and help boost your confidence. One of our top goals is to provide you with affordable, high quality treatment that fits your budget.

Dr. Elrod and Dr. Blackburn are trained in the latest orthodontic technology.  Both doctors use the Damon Comfort Braces System and both are Premier Invisalign Providers.  They strive to achieve your beautiful smile in the shortest amount of time and discomfort. If you’re ready to learn more, give us a call at 816-373-6006, or visit Elrod Orthodontics on Facebook!

It’s finally time… time to make that big decision about braces for your kiddo. But where do you even begin? You know it will be an investment, one that could change the trajectory of their confidence and even their future. So, how do you make the right decision? Let us help you find some answers!

American Board of Orthodontist

Your Options

While there are a number of oral health care professionals in the world, when it comes to giving you the best smile possible, you need to make sure you are looking at the credentials of your provider. In Independence, Blue Springs and surrounding areas around Kansas City we know that there are multiple options when it comes to orthodontics, but did you know that not all orthodontist are board certified? In fact, only 1 out of every 3 orthodontists have continued on to complete Board Certification. The American Board of Orthodontists is also the only certifying board that is recognized by the American Dental Association in the specialty of orthodontics.

Excellence is Key

At Elrod Orthodontics we believe that doing things with excellence is key to creating the best smile possible. That is why we are proud to share that Dr. Blackburn has joined our team and is a Board Certified Orthodontist. What does this mean for you as a our patient? It means that we treat every patient with the highest level of expertise and care.

Successful completion of the Board Certification demonstrates the value we place on continued education and excellence in orthodontics. Completion of certification includes a 240 question written examination covering all areas of orthodontics. Once the written examination is complete, a clinical examination is conducted where case reports from the orthodontist’s practice or residency are examined and evaluated by a panel which later discusses them with the applicant during an oral examination. If the applicant passes all of the testing, then they are granted certification which must be renewed every 10 years.

Individualized Treatment

At Elrod Orthodontics we care about each individual patient. That is why we offer a variety of orthodontic options, including the Damon Braces System and Invisalign. We take in to account the needs and desires of our patients and implement cutting-edge technology and time-proven methods to give you the best experience and smile possible. We want our patients to know that we strive for the utmost excellence in quality care and our desire to grow through continued education is a top priority to giving you that perfect Smile with Style!

Dr. Elrod and Dr. Blackburn are trained in the latest orthodontic technology.  Both doctors use the Damon Comfort Braces System and both are Premier Invisalign Providers.  They strive to achieve your beautiful smile in the shortest amount of time and discomfort. If you’re ready to learn more, give us a call at 816-373-6006, or visit Elrod Orthodontics on Facebook!

Sometimes it takes a celebrity to help us remember those tried and true lessons our parents taught us. In fact I’m sure Jimmy Fallon heard a faint whisper of his mother saying, “I told you not to open things with your teeth!” after he chipped his tooth trying to open a tube of medicine for his injured hand earlier this week. His mistake is a good reminder to us, our teeth are for chewing food, not opening things!

Chipped Tooth

The Problem

So why did Jimmy use his teeth to open the tube? Back in June, Jimmy came close to losing his ring finger when he fell and his ring got caught on a counter top. Now during the recovery process, Jimmy has to keep his finger wrapped and is unable to use his left hand.  While Jimmy had a valid excuse for not being able to use both of his hands to open a tube of scar tissue repair gel (to use on his damaged finger) many of us, don’t have similar excuses.

Maybe in your case you just bought a shirt from the store and can’t get the tag off, so you tear it off with your teeth, or you can’t unscrew a bottle top, so you use your molars as vice grips to get the job done. While these tricks might save you time, they may cost you a lot of time and money at your dentist office if you chip or crack a tooth.

Using Your Strong Teeth

Its true that your teeth are super strong. Stronger even than the bones in your body and the enamel that lays on top of your teeth is the hardest substance in your body. But your teeth are not designed to be used as a tool, they are designed for chewing. When your teeth are used to pull, tear or turn an object the pressure and force you use with your hand and the sudden movements made when that pressure is released could cause that object to knock right into your teeth, thus causing a chip or crack.

Extra Dangers

You probably wont feel a lot of pain with a small tooth fracture, but a larger tooth fracture can be very painful. For braces wearers the dangers are even greater. Not only could you chip a tooth, you could also knock a bracket or wire out of place. This could cause serious damage not only to the braces themselves, but also to the inside of your mouth. A stray wire or broken bracket could cut the inside of your mouth. And of course cost you a couple of extra visits to the orthodontist.

So the next time you are wrestling with that shirt tag or you are one hand down because of a ring finger accident, just ask for help! Hopefully another person with two strong hands is near by.

Dr. Elrod and Dr. Blackburn are trained in the latest orthodontic technology.  Both doctors use the Damon Comfort Braces System and both are Premier Invisalign Providers.  They strive to achieve your beautiful smile in the shortest amount of time and discomfort. If you’re ready to learn more, give us a call at 816-373-6006, or visit Elrod Orthodontics on facebook!

It is the middle of the summer and it is HOT we mean really HOT outside. You just got your braces on or recently adjusted and your mouth and teeth are a little sore. You may be thinking, “there is nothing I can eat that will help my teeth feel better, nothing sounds good!” Well luckily for you my friend, we’ve got you covered with this summer’s best COLD soft food treats designed specifically for those ever so uncomfortable braces adjustment periods.

Soft food Snacks

Slightly thawed fresh frozen grapes are a great cold food hack and post adjustment snack!

When you get your braces on or have an adjustment your teeth may feel a little uncomfortable. Most soreness lasts from a few hours to a couple of days depending on the type of adjustment. But, trying these cold food tricks can really help minimize that soreness and provide relief!

Frozen Grapes

While it may sound good, we never recommend eating ice. But, a great alternative is frozen grapes. This super easy snack is hard to resist, and healthy too. All you need to do is buy a bag of seedless grapes, pull them away from the stem, wash and then place them in a gallon Ziplock freezer bag. When you are ready to eat, pull a few out for about 15 minutes and let them thaw slightly (you don’t want to eat them completely frozen or else it will be like eat ice!). When the grapes are semi thawed they are soft enough to just just melt in your mouth with minimal chewing. Try cutting them in half to make them even easier to chew.

Easy Frozen Yogurt Your Way

Have you ever made home made frozen yogurt? It is super easy and takes hardly any time! All you need is plain Greek yogurt and dab of honey and your favorite fruit. We recommend using a seedless fruit such as peaches. Avoid seedy fruits such as strawberries and blackberries as they seeds may hurt your teeth as you eat. Make sure your fruits are frozen, then blend your yogurt, honey and fruit in a blender. Place in a glass dish or bowl and put in the freezer for at least two hours. Then pull out your bowl and enjoy!


We’ve said it before, but we will say it again, smoothies are one of the best post adjustment snacks. Not only are they super healthy for you, they are also the perfect treat for a sore mouth or teeth. And there are thousands of different recipes out there, which allows you to create a smoothie tailored specifically to your taste buds. All you need is a blender, a few key ingredients and walla, a cold tasty treat is providing you relief. Click here to access one of our favorite smoothie recipe websites . Oh and be sure to use a straw, that way the cold doesn’t hit your teeth and braces directly when you drink it, which may bother your already sensitive teeth.

Dr. Elrod has been practicing orthodontics for more than 30 years and loves helping both teens and adults gain confidence in their smiles.  If you’re ready to learn more, give us a call at 816-373-6006, or visit Elrod Orthodontics on facebook!