
Athletes in Orthodontic Braces

If you know anything about youth sports you know how much fun, spirit and competition goes into every game. I’ve always enjoyed watching youth giving all they’ve got on the field. I can remember when my now grown daughter was just a little tot on the soccer field. What joy i had watching her learn the fundamentals of sport and also life skills from her coaches and through wins and losses.

At Elrod Orthodontics we believe in the power of encouragement from parents, coaches and peers. That is why we love having the opportunity to support a local youth sports team and have been doing so since 1979! And this year we were proud to sponsor an Independence Girls Softball Association 8U team, Dr. Elrod’s Tin Grins!

Dr. Elrod’s Tin Grins

Let me tell you, this group of young ladies played every game with much heart and soul! Their coach, Coach Sunny, drafted these girls with one goal in mind: to create a team that could grow up together and play together for many years to come. And after this season it looks like his decision proved successful. Most of the team has played together for the last five years beginning all the way back to T-Ball.

Sweet Emily sporting her Tin Grins gear at the office!

This season the Tin Grins, a group of fun, spunky youngsters, played hard and only lost one game the entire season. In the three of their tournaments they came in third place, and in the IGSA 8U tournament at the end of June they took home first place! Pretty impressive in my book!

Here I am with the Tin Grins after their first place win!

To Coach Sonny, Turner, Waller and Dalton, I cannot say thank you enough for all the time and effort you put into not only coaching these girls but also investing in their character. The hours you spend coaching will impact these girls for years to come.

They are all winners in my book!

And to my Tin Grins, I am so proud of you! To Sadie, Jaley, Dawn, Savannah, Hannah, Alysa, Emily, Olivia, Kayla, Baylee, Jennifer and Jordyn, keep up the great work! You girls have great things ahead of you! Keep playing hard and strong!

At the age of 13, surfer Bethany Hamilton survived a shark attack. Her story is now widely known through the release of Soul Surfer, a film based on her attack and survival.

If you have ever seen Hamilton in an interview one thing you will notice is her beautiful smile. Despite losing her left arm and having to defy all odds athletically, Hamilton’s smile is as rich as ever.  And one of the reasons her smile may catch your eye is because she is a poster child for the Damon Braces System.

AnnaSophia Robb plays the role of Bethany Hamilton in Soul Surfer.

Hamilton started wearing orthodontic braces when she turned 14 for crowding, an underbite and a narrow arch. After she finished wearing braces she was so happy with the results that she officially endorsed Damon Braces. Encouraging self-confidence is a quality in which Hamilton is a natural. And becoming a top surfer against the odds has become natural for her, too.

Bethany Hamilton smiling big with her braces!

Hamilton’s determination to overcome her attack and progress forward in her sport are what make her such a great role model for anyone facing adversity in their life. Today Hamilton competes with confidence knowing that she can work through whatever challenges may come her way.

Pro surfer, Bethany Hamilton now competes with one arm after shark attack.

Since 2008 Bethany has been competing as a pro surfer and has much to smile about after placing in the top three in several surfing events including the Billabong ASP World Junior Championships.

If you’re interested in the Damon System Braces, check out website to learn more. You too could have a beautiful smile like Bethany.

With a great number of youth participating in sports, a common question in the orthodontic world is “Can my child still participate in sports with braces?” The answer… YES!

Even the toughest athletes can still wear orthodontic braces.

Keep Playing Sports in Braces

Many parents are afraid to get braces for their children because they fear their child may incur a sports injury to the face that would damage the braces or create a serious dental injury. As a Kansas City orthodontist, I know youth sports are a big deal, so I always tell the parents of my patients that getting braces does not mean your child has to stop playing sports, it just means the child has to be wise when taking care of their teeth.

There are thousands of youth participating in sports who have orthodontic braces. In fact, there are several pro sports figures who have worn braces while perfecting their sport. Braces should never hinder you from accomplishing any goals. Aside from eating sugary hard candies and popcorn, no area of your life needs to be put on pause because you wear braces.

Play Any Type of Sport in Braces

My daughter Amy is a great athlete. Growing up, she wore braces while playing, soccer, basketball, track and even while sparring in Tae Kwon Do. And if an orthodontist’s daughter can do all of these sports with braces, I guarantee that any child can! The key to orthodontic and dental safety while playing sports is having the right protection in the right athletic circumstances.

In middle school when Amy ran track, she really didn’t need to worry about protecting her braces because running is not a contact sport. On the other hand, when she was sparring in Tae Kwon Do, you better believe that she had a mouth guard to protect her teeth and braces. One round house kick to the face and it would have been over with out that little piece of plastic.

Taking care of your braces properly is a must regardless if you are an athlete or not. And taking care of your teeth post-braces is a must as well.

Wearing Your Retainer During Sports

Although you might think you need to remove your retainer while playing sports, we actually recommend you WEAR YOUR RETAINER while playing sports! For at least a year after you’ve worn braces, your teeth are looser and softer. Without a retainer and/or mouth guard, a soccer ball to the face or elbow jab near the mouth could push back your teeth, or even worse – knock them out.

Wearing a retainer during sports gives you the protection you need for your new smile. The plastic base of the retainer protects behind the teeth, and the wire bone protects the front of the teeth. For high-contact sports like football or wrestling, you can use a rubber mouth guard. Because mouth guards are individually imprinted, you can even wear your retainer while making the impression for added protection if you want to wear your retainer with your mouth guard while playing sports.

The bottom line is this, braces should never inhibit you from doing the things that you love, sports included! So if you are concerned about getting braces and playing sports, don’t be, just be sure to take proper care of your teeth and keep your mouth properly protected in the right situations.

With the NBA season hopefully kicking off on Christmas Day it may surprise you to know that big name basketball stars have worn braces too! Yep that’s right and one of the most famous for it is Dwight Howard.

A young Dwight Howard shows off his braces smile for Sports Illustrated Teen!

When Dwight was 17 he flashed his pearly whites which were loaded with braces for an interview in Sports Illustrated Teen magazine. Back then Dwight was in high school and was already looking to play in the NBA. In fact, Dwight was still in braces the night he got drafted by the NBA.

Dwight Howard flashes his beautiful post-braces smile!

Now playing for the Orlando Magic, Howard’s pearly whites are not only white but straight too! And that’s a slam dunk in our book!