
Celebrities in Braces

The end of season 14 of American Idol is just around the corner. With just a few short weeks left, America will determine who has the best star-studded talent. Not only have these contestants come a long way, but so has one of the main stars of the show. In fact, you probably won’t even be able to recognize this picture Ryan Secrest. Secrest has changed a lot since his braces wearing days and is not afraid to shed light about that time in his life.

Ryan Secrest and braces

A younger, not recognizable Ryan Secrest


We love writing about big time names with big time transformations, because in reality, everyone goes through a transformation of some sort as they get older. So, if you are stuck in what you think is an “akward” stage because of braces, take some encouragement from the host of American Idol himself, it does get better, way better!
If you look at Secrest now, you would never be able to guess that he used to be a glasses and braces wearing chubby kid. But in the end it all worked out for him. His short amount of time with braces lead him to a lifetime of beautiful smiles. Smiles that we see every week on American Idol.

The Early Years

Growing up in Atlanta, Georgia, Secrest thrived on always knowing he wanted to be a broadcaster. But at just 13 years old Secrest was already 180 pounds and getting picked on. “I wore braces and glasses and was fat and got teased about it,” Secrest says.

Instead of letting those hurtful words get him down he decided to put his voice to good use. At age 14 he got his first gig by being his high school’s public address announcer. At age 16 he landed an internship at a local radio station which launched his career into the radio world.

After high school Secrest moved to LA and had his own afternoon radio show until he took over Casey Kasem’s infamous American Top 40. Over the years Secrest has held several different high profile jobs in radio and on Television. Not only has his voice taken him places, his smile has too. And Secret’s time with braces, helped his smile become what it is today.

Your Smile, Your Future

Who knows what your smile may do for you some day. It may take you to Hollywood like other braces wearing stars, but even if it doesn’t, know this, just like Ryan Secrest better days are ahead of you and your much anticipated smile.
Dr. Elrod has been practicing orthodontics for more than 30 years and loves helping both teens and adults gain confidence in their smiles.  If you’re ready to learn more, give us a call at 816-373-6006, or visit Elrod Orthodontics on facebook!

Having confidence in your smile isn’t an impossible mission thanks to modern orthodontic technologies.  Even Hollywood’s biggest stars are taking advantage of the benefits braces offer, including megastar Tom Cruise.

Tom Cruise's Braces

Even Tom Cruise felt his smile could benefit from braces!

Tom Cruise’s Adolescent Teeth Problems

As a child and a teen, Tom Cruise had a smile that was quite different than the one he sports today.  While Cruise has never spoken about his cosmetic dentistry, most dental experts believe his smile benefited greatly from a set of cosmetic veneers.

Tom Cruise’s Orthodontic Touch-Up at Age 40

Even after achieving mega stardom and becoming one of the most successful actors in Hollywood history, Cruise still wasn’t completely satisfied with his famous smile.

At age 40, Cruise treated himself to an orthodontic touch-up.  For about six months, he wore braces that were mostly invisible thanks to ceramic braces, but you can still see the wire in the pictures from that time period.

Taking the time to have this treatment likely improved his bite and prevented damage from teeth rubbing together and/or cavities due to overcrowding.

Orthodontics is More Than Just Cosmetic

You may not be able to tell a huge difference in how Tom Cruise’s smile looked before and after those six months with braces, but that may not have been the point.  Even minor problems with overcrowding or bite issues can cause major headaches (sometimes literally!).

Orthondontics For All Ages at Elrod Ortho

While we recommend that every child have an orthodontic consultation no later than age 7, it’s never too late to have your first consultation.  If you have concerns about your smile or your bite, Dr. Elrod can help.

Dr. Elrod has been practicing orthodontics for more than 30 years and loves helping both teens and adults gain confidence in their smiles.  If you’re ready to learn more, give us a call at 816-373-6006, or visit Elrod Orthodontics on facebook!

Ugly braces on television characters are still a common TV trope, often used to denote a character as nerdy.  With so many people having worn braces during their adolescence, though, this trope is not only unoriginal but also pretty inaccurate.

ugly betty braces

It’s worth noting that so-called “Ugly” Betty’s braces helped her gain confidence in her smile by the end of the series!

The Middle Shows That How You Feel With Braces is Often All About Attitude

One current series that has a beloved character in braces is The Middle, whose eternally optimistic but “dorky” Sue Heck was scheduled to get hers off only to find out they’d overcorrected, resulting in her having to wear even more heinous headgear.  Sounds like someone needs to refer her to Dr. Elrod!

Braces Lead Ugly Betty to a Beautiful, Confident Smile

Similarly, titular character Ugly Betty started off as nerdy and unsure of herself, but her optimism and perseverance actually make her one of our favorite portrayals of a braces-wearing character in recent TV history.  What started out as a symbol of her not fitting in eventually gave way to an inner confidence and a great smile (both before and after braces)!

Even Stevens Shows That Braces Are Just a Fact of Life

We also loved the portrayal of Even Steven’s Ren Stevens, the hard-working, straight-A student and older sister to goofball Louis.  The show rarely even made mention of her braces, instead choosing to treat them as a simple fact of life — just like the majority of the many teens who wear braces throughout junior high and/or high school.

Braces Are For Everybody

The truth of the matter is, braces just aren’t that big of a deal these days.  Braces don’t equal nerdy any more than glasses do, so there’s no shame in wearing them confidently and even tricking them out with colored bands.  Whether you wear them as a fashion statement or simply as a means to an end, you can rest assured that you’re on the road to a more confident smile and a healthier mouth.

Braces at Elrod Ortho

If you’re ready to explore your options for braces, Dr. Elrod is the orthodontist to call.  He has been practicing orthodontics for more than 30 years and loves helping kids, teens and adults gain confidence in their smiles.  If you’re ready to learn more, give us a call at 816-373-6006, or visit Elrod Orthodontics on facebook!

Many people go through life with less than perfectly straight teeth, but there are certain orthodontic problems to watch out for that can lead to more serious problems down the road.  One of those things is gaps between teeth, or diastema.

Gaps Between Teeth: Not Just a Cosmetic Issue

While a number of people, including celebrities like Madonna, have learned to love the small gap between their teeth, gaps aren’t always something that should be embraced.

Madonna's tooth gap

Fixing the gaps between your teeth is about more than cosmetics.

Gaps between teeth can cause the following types of problems:

  • Gaps can cause teeth to shift and become loose because the dental arch is not secure.
  • There is more gum line exposed, which can lead to increased incidence of gum disease because there are more places for bacteria to breed.
  • Poor alignment can result in temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorder or teeth grinding at night.

Gaps Caused by Genetics and Behavior

Many people are predisposed to gaps between their teeth thanks to their genetics.  Sometimes teeth are missing or undersized.  Other times, the piece of tissue connecting the upper lip to the gum above the two front teeth, called the labial frenum, is oversized.

Behaviors can also lead to gaps between teeth, such as tongue thrusting (an incorrect swallowing reflex), thumb sucking, or gum disease.

Orthodontic Care Can Fix Problems Before They Happen

While you may not have experienced any problems related to the gaps between your teeth, it’s important to know that most of the issues we outlined above are progressive problems.  They don’t just suddenly pop up over night; they appear over the course of years of wear and tear on your teeth and gums.  Getting orthodontic care before the big problems start can save you time, money and pain.

Orthodontic Care for All Ages at Elrod Ortho

Dr. Elrod has been practicing orthodontics for more than 30 years and loves helping kids, teens and adults gain confidence in their smiles.  If you’re ready to learn more, give us a call at 816-373-6006, or visit Elrod Orthodontics on facebook!

Faith Hill may be best known for her music, but she also has a beautiful smile.  But she didn’t always feel confident about it.
Faith Hill in Braces

Even celebrities like Faith Hill feel more confident with braces!

As a child, she wore braces to straighten her teeth and help her gain confidence in her smile.  Orthodontic care for children can also help with bite problems and prevent speech difficulties — both important whether you make your living singing or not.

High Fashion Braces

When she showed up earlier this year at the Grammys wearing braces, the braces — and her smile — quickly became a hot topic.
While Hill chose to go with a more discrete set of clear braces (or ceramic braces, which are available at Elrod Ortho in case you were wondering!), she was happy to talk about them.

Good Orthodontic Care a Necessity — Even For Celebrities

When asked about her new fashion accessory by radio station KNIX, she explained, “I forgot to wear my retainer,” she said, explaining that her teeth had shifted.  She further added, “Kids, wear your retainer!”
It’s possible for your teeth to shift once your braces are removed if you don’t wear your retainer consistently and according to your orthodontist’s instructions, and celebrities are no exception to that rule.  So Faith’s advice is perfect for all our younger patients out there as well as our adults!
It’s understandable that someone on magazine covers, album covers and TV shows would want to look and feel their best when they smile, but it’s important to remember that anyone can benefit from more confidence from his or her smile.
Orthodontic Care for All Ages at Elrod Ortho
Dr. Elrod has been practicing orthodontics for more than 30 years and loves helping both teens and adults gain confidence in their smiles.  If you’re ready to learn more, give us a call at 816-373-6006, or visit Elrod Orthodontics on facebook!
Braces may not immediately call to mind Hollywood Glamour, but there are plenty of Hollywood stars who have worn them — including young actress Dakota Fanning.

Fanning Happy to Talk About Her Teeth

Miss Fanning has never been shy about her teeth issues and has happily detailed her journey to a confident smile with the likes of Jay Leno, David Letterman and Ellen Degeneres.

She required orthodontic treatment from a young age, in large part because she lacks an enzyme that helps the roots of baby teeth break down.  Her baby teeth never fell out on their own, and her adult teeth began to grown in behind and around them.

Fanning Looked Forward to Braces

Her parents helped her have fun with the multiple teeth pullings by offering her gold dollar coins for each tooth pulled, and in her adolescence she was already looking forward to having braces.  She even went so far as to ask her parents for fake braces for Christmas one year.

Fanning’s Transition to a Confident Smile

Eventually her orthodontic wishes came true and then some — complete with expanders, head gear, braces and retainers.  And while the journey for Miss Fanning was long, there’s no denying the young girl with “crazy teeth problems” has blossomed into a beautiful young woman with a great smile.

Orthodontic Treatment for Children and Teens at Elrod Ortho

You can give your own child the same gift Dakota Fanning’s parents gave her — a fun journey to a beautiful, confident smile.  Dr. Elrod has been practicing orthodontics for more than 30 years and loves helping children, teens and adults gain confidence by improving their smiles.  If you’re ready to learn more, give us a call at 816-373-6006, or visit Elrod Orthodontics on facebook!

With The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn Part 2 release on November 15th, the fan base at Elrod Orthodontics wanted to do a little detective work on the bright smile of Mr. Edward Cullen. We have heard rumors about Robert Pattinson having orthodontic work done, but wanted to find out the truth.

Robert Pattinson

Twilight star, Robert Pattinson didn’t finish his orthodontic treatment, which has given him more toothy problems than he started with! (Photo Courtesy of Gage Skidmore/Flickr)

Making the Cast

Pattinson’s teeth transformation began before the filming of the first movie. The directors of Twilight wanted Pattinson’s smile to be perfected before the film was shot and thus asked him to have orthodontic work done. Pattinson openly admits that he thought his smile was fine before the film, but in Hollywood perfection is everything!

The Toothy Twilight Zone

What type of braces did the British star sport? The plan was to have Pattinson wear Invisalign aligners. But during the process, Pattinson decided that he didn’t want to continue with the orthodontic work and quit using the aligners. This, unfortunately for Pattinson, lead him to encounter major relapse to his teeth later down the road. An experience he now regrets.

How to Avoid Regrets

While you may not notice Pattinson’s toothy dilemma up close and personal in Breaking Dawn Part 2, there are several things we can learn from Pattinson’s decision and regrets.

Own It

If you or your parents are considering braces for you, make sure it is something you are willing to commit to. Braces do take a lot of work, but the results are well worth it in the end. Also remember you are not alone. There are thousands of other pre-teens, teens and adults who wear braces, and wear them proudly!

Follow Through

The great news is that braces do not last forever! And if you are committed to following your orthodontist’s directions, then your smile will be well worth it in the end!

Results are the Key

Once you go through your full treatment you will be amazed at the difference your braces have made! Having a beautiful smile can transform not only the way you look, but can also do wonders for your self-esteem! And, we bet that when it is all said and done, you will know that all the time you put in was well worth the finished product, a beautiful smile!

Unfortunately for Pattinson things did not turn out how he hoped or planned. He did not “own his braces” and he did not follow through on his treatment, leaving him with poor results and worse problems in the end.

This week when you are at the midnight showing of Breaking Dawn 2 and you are wanting that bag of popcorn you know you shouldn’t eat, just remember that your efforts will generate great rewards when your braces come off!

In June 2011 J.J. Abrams produced Super 8, a Sci-Fi/mystery movie that had audiences of all ages on the edge of their seats. This thriller of a film also carried a nostalgic tone and told a story of young teenage boys in the late 70’s who wanted to become film makers.

One of those young boys was actor Ryan Lee who played the role of Cary. In Super 8 Cary is a pyrotechnic maniac who helps with all of the explosives for the boys’ film. You will also notice something else about Cary in Super 8, he is wearing braces.

Braces in Real Life

In real life Ryan Lee was wearing braces when he auditioned for the role of Cary. But, when the taping of the movie started they actually had to put Ryan’s orthodontic treatment on hold. Why, you might ask? The braces he was wearing didn’t match the time era of the braces worn in the late 70’s and early 80’s. Braces back then were much bigger and bulkier. Ryan actually had to wear fake braces for the movie that resembled braces worn during 1979. Pretty funny, huh?

Ryan Lee playing the role of Cary in Super 8.

Life After the Movie

Many people say that the character of Cary stole the show with his braces-filled smiles and his love for pyromania on-screen. His future in Hollywood is definitely a bright one.

And if you were wondering what happened to Ryan’s teeth after the movie ended, he did go back to his orthodontic plan!

Braces are for Everyone

There are more celebrities in Hollywood who wear orthodontic braces than you might think. From adults like Tom Cruise who wore Invisalign braces, to Emma Watson who sported had the Damon System. Which is a great reminder that it doesn’t matter who you are, braces can be worn by anyone who needs them.

Next time you are watching your favorite flick, check to see if any of the main characters are sporting braces. You never know, they may be real or just for Hollywood!

At the age of 13, surfer Bethany Hamilton survived a shark attack. Her story is now widely known through the release of Soul Surfer, a film based on her attack and survival.

If you have ever seen Hamilton in an interview one thing you will notice is her beautiful smile. Despite losing her left arm and having to defy all odds athletically, Hamilton’s smile is as rich as ever.  And one of the reasons her smile may catch your eye is because she is a poster child for the Damon Braces System.

AnnaSophia Robb plays the role of Bethany Hamilton in Soul Surfer.

Hamilton started wearing orthodontic braces when she turned 14 for crowding, an underbite and a narrow arch. After she finished wearing braces she was so happy with the results that she officially endorsed Damon Braces. Encouraging self-confidence is a quality in which Hamilton is a natural. And becoming a top surfer against the odds has become natural for her, too.

Bethany Hamilton smiling big with her braces!

Hamilton’s determination to overcome her attack and progress forward in her sport are what make her such a great role model for anyone facing adversity in their life. Today Hamilton competes with confidence knowing that she can work through whatever challenges may come her way.

Pro surfer, Bethany Hamilton now competes with one arm after shark attack.

Since 2008 Bethany has been competing as a pro surfer and has much to smile about after placing in the top three in several surfing events including the Billabong ASP World Junior Championships.

If you’re interested in the Damon System Braces, check out website to learn more. You too could have a beautiful smile like Bethany.

With the NBA season hopefully kicking off on Christmas Day it may surprise you to know that big name basketball stars have worn braces too! Yep that’s right and one of the most famous for it is Dwight Howard.

A young Dwight Howard shows off his braces smile for Sports Illustrated Teen!

When Dwight was 17 he flashed his pearly whites which were loaded with braces for an interview in Sports Illustrated Teen magazine. Back then Dwight was in high school and was already looking to play in the NBA. In fact, Dwight was still in braces the night he got drafted by the NBA.

Dwight Howard flashes his beautiful post-braces smile!

Now playing for the Orlando Magic, Howard’s pearly whites are not only white but straight too! And that’s a slam dunk in our book!