
Tag Archives: celebrity braces

Having confidence in your smile isn’t an impossible mission thanks to modern orthodontic technologies.  Even Hollywood’s biggest stars are taking advantage of the benefits braces offer, including megastar Tom Cruise.

Tom Cruise's Braces

Even Tom Cruise felt his smile could benefit from braces!

Tom Cruise’s Adolescent Teeth Problems

As a child and a teen, Tom Cruise had a smile that was quite different than the one he sports today.  While Cruise has never spoken about his cosmetic dentistry, most dental experts believe his smile benefited greatly from a set of cosmetic veneers.

Tom Cruise’s Orthodontic Touch-Up at Age 40

Even after achieving mega stardom and becoming one of the most successful actors in Hollywood history, Cruise still wasn’t completely satisfied with his famous smile.

At age 40, Cruise treated himself to an orthodontic touch-up.  For about six months, he wore braces that were mostly invisible thanks to ceramic braces, but you can still see the wire in the pictures from that time period.

Taking the time to have this treatment likely improved his bite and prevented damage from teeth rubbing together and/or cavities due to overcrowding.

Orthodontics is More Than Just Cosmetic

You may not be able to tell a huge difference in how Tom Cruise’s smile looked before and after those six months with braces, but that may not have been the point.  Even minor problems with overcrowding or bite issues can cause major headaches (sometimes literally!).

Orthondontics For All Ages at Elrod Ortho

While we recommend that every child have an orthodontic consultation no later than age 7, it’s never too late to have your first consultation.  If you have concerns about your smile or your bite, Dr. Elrod can help.

Dr. Elrod has been practicing orthodontics for more than 30 years and loves helping both teens and adults gain confidence in their smiles.  If you’re ready to learn more, give us a call at 816-373-6006, or visit Elrod Orthodontics on facebook!

Faith Hill may be best known for her music, but she also has a beautiful smile.  But she didn’t always feel confident about it.
Faith Hill in Braces

Even celebrities like Faith Hill feel more confident with braces!

As a child, she wore braces to straighten her teeth and help her gain confidence in her smile.  Orthodontic care for children can also help with bite problems and prevent speech difficulties — both important whether you make your living singing or not.

High Fashion Braces

When she showed up earlier this year at the Grammys wearing braces, the braces — and her smile — quickly became a hot topic.
While Hill chose to go with a more discrete set of clear braces (or ceramic braces, which are available at Elrod Ortho in case you were wondering!), she was happy to talk about them.

Good Orthodontic Care a Necessity — Even For Celebrities

When asked about her new fashion accessory by radio station KNIX, she explained, “I forgot to wear my retainer,” she said, explaining that her teeth had shifted.  She further added, “Kids, wear your retainer!”
It’s possible for your teeth to shift once your braces are removed if you don’t wear your retainer consistently and according to your orthodontist’s instructions, and celebrities are no exception to that rule.  So Faith’s advice is perfect for all our younger patients out there as well as our adults!
It’s understandable that someone on magazine covers, album covers and TV shows would want to look and feel their best when they smile, but it’s important to remember that anyone can benefit from more confidence from his or her smile.
Orthodontic Care for All Ages at Elrod Ortho
Dr. Elrod has been practicing orthodontics for more than 30 years and loves helping both teens and adults gain confidence in their smiles.  If you’re ready to learn more, give us a call at 816-373-6006, or visit Elrod Orthodontics on facebook!

With the NBA season hopefully kicking off on Christmas Day it may surprise you to know that big name basketball stars have worn braces too! Yep that’s right and one of the most famous for it is Dwight Howard.

A young Dwight Howard shows off his braces smile for Sports Illustrated Teen!

When Dwight was 17 he flashed his pearly whites which were loaded with braces for an interview in Sports Illustrated Teen magazine. Back then Dwight was in high school and was already looking to play in the NBA. In fact, Dwight was still in braces the night he got drafted by the NBA.

Dwight Howard flashes his beautiful post-braces smile!

Now playing for the Orlando Magic, Howard’s pearly whites are not only white but straight too! And that’s a slam dunk in our book!

Any Harry Potter fans out there?

Well, we’re excited to report that at least one major star from the hit Motion Picture movies wore braces!

Check out one of the movie’s favorite characters – Hemoine (played by Emma Watson) in braces. This was about 5-6 years ago at a movie premiere. If you can peek in there, she was actually wearing blue bands for her braces.

Hermoine in Braces

Here’s another picture of her in braces- what a great smile:


Beautiful in braces

We’re excited when we spot celebrities who also wore braces! Just look at her beautiful smile:

Smiling for the Harry Potter premiere